St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

Our School Meals

The school has a one hour dinner break which is staggered for each extended phase - this begins and ends with a prayer.

Parents are free to choose for their child to have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch. Regardless of choice, the children eat their dinner in the hall. We have a Reception and Nursery sitting from 11:45 - 12:15pm then two sittings for Key Stage 1 and 2 between 12:15 and 1:15pm. 

School meals are provided by Hutchison Catering and are prepared on the school premises - they are of great quality and the pupils (and staff!) thoroughly enjoy them. 

Dinners can be pre-ordered online at home for your child on the Appetite/Hutchison site. You can help your child choose their dinners and pre-order for the day, week or month. If you have any problems please contact the help and support team at Appetite/Hutchison Tel 0191 2497899 and you can also ring our school office on the number below.

You will be sent a link with a temporary password to log onto the site once school has entered your child's name and contact details on our system. Please keep an eye on your emails.

Appetite/Hutchison website link is which can be found in the links tab on the school Jotter app

Dinner money needs to be paid in advance and can be paid weekly, monthly or termly and should be paid through the Appetite/Hutchison app  - we do not accept cash payments. 

The link is which can be found in the links tab on the school Jotter app

 Pupils in Nursery or KS2 classes will all need to pay for their school dinners.

Pupils in Reception and KS1 classes will automatically receive Government funded Universal Free School Meals. However,  if you believe you are entitled to free school meals (through eligibility)  ALWAYS apply as this is of benefit to your child through a range of entitlements and support as well as significant further financial funding for our school.

Apply for Free School Meals anytime during the year especially if your financial circumstances alter and your income drops. You may find at this time you do  become entitled to Free School Meals for your child.

Free School Meals

If you receive any of the following then your child is eligible
for free school dinners whilst they are at our

- Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net
earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by
earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment
- Income support
Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit, but are not entitled to a Working Tax
Credit and your annual income (as assessed by Her
Majesty's Revenue and Customs) is less than £16,190

Support under Part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum
Act 1999
Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

Simply click here for Kirklees , here for Leeds and
here for Bradford and then fill in the form

The school will usually be contacted within 48 hours to tell
us the date the entitlement to free school meals will start

Applications can be made at anytime throughout the