St Patrick's Catholic Primary Academy

Our Policies


Click on the links below to view the relevant school policy (some are Trust wide policies, please click the Trust policies link below).


Admissions Policies

Attendance Policy 2023-2025

Pupil Leave of Absence Request Form

Anti-Bullying Policy 2023-2024

Behaviour and Discipline Policy 2022-2024

Our Behaviour Expectations

Disability Accessibility Policy 2022 - 2025

Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy 2023-2024

Parental and School Agreement for Administering Medicines

St Patrick's Health Care Plan

St Patrick's First Aid Policy 2023-2024

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-2024

Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2023

Working Together To Safeguard Children July 2018

Child on Child Abuse Policy 2023-2024

St Patrick's Code of Conduct and Low Level Concerns (Kirklees) 2022-2024

BPS Trust Low Level Concerns Policy 2023-2024

St Patrick's Visiting Speaker Policy 2023-2026

St Patrick's Educational Visits Policy 2023-2025

Online Safety Policy 2023 - 2024

Health and Safety Policy 2022-2025

Charging and Remissions Policy 2023-2025

SEND Policy 2023-2024

SEND Information Report 2023-2024

Records Management Policy 2022-2023

 Assessment Policy 2023-2024

Home School Agreement 2023-2024

Relationships and Health Education Policy 2023-2025

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 2022-2024


Blessed Peter Snow Catholic Academy Trust Policies Link:

BPS Trust Complaints Policy and Procedure 

BPS Trust Freedom of Information Policy

BPS Trust Data Protection Policy


Additional Policies or Addendum Policies during COVID-19 Pandemic 

COVID-19 Home-School Agreement June 2020

COVID-19 Behaviour Policy Addendum June 2020

COVID-19 Safeguarding and Child Protection Addendum May 2020

COVID-19 Health and Safety Addendum June 2020

COVID-19 St Patrick's Catholic Primary Risk Assessment September 2021

St Patrick's Catholic Primary Outbreak Management Plan September 2021

St Patrick's Catholic Primary Remote Learning Strategy 2020-2021

COVID19 Virtual Meetings Policy and Expectations 2020-2021